I start each morning in my “big butt prayer chair” talking to God. I know He hears me. He has answered many of my prayers in mighty ways and has thankfully denied countless others.
As I look at my prayer list this morning, I am overwhelmed.
The prayers include an aging parent’s end-of-life challenges, a loved one’s drug and alcohol abuse, important medical tests the insurance company won’t to pay for, scary health issues, financial issues, yada, yada, yada!
You name it. I am praying for it.
We are normal people, you and me. We all have struggles of our own and walk alongside friends and loved ones dealing with frustrating and often frightening issues.
How in the world are we supposed to face life’s challenges?
My only choice is to count my blessings. Daily.
I consider counting my blessings similar to the Israelites gathering manna in the desert. Like them, I can gather as much as I choose. God promises whatever I gather will be enough to feed me. But there’s a catch. The manna I gather today won’t be good tomorrow.
When I don’t count my blessings each morning, I am hungry all day. I’ll go so far as to say on the days I don’t count my blessings, I am spiritually bankrupt. I know I’ll spend the day feeling frustrated, impatient, angry and entitled.
Sound familiar?
Gather a little. Gather a lot. It’s our choice. Just know what we are the ones who must do the gathering. Nobody else can do that for us.
So just for today, gather your manna. Count your blessings. Tomorrow is a new day and you will be hungry again. So gather again. Count them again. And again. And again.
It’s true that daily life can be a beating. But when we believe in God’s promises and count our many blessings, we are better prepared for the day ahead.
Let’s keep our eye on the prize, remembering eternal life is the ultimate blessing!
Read more encouraging posts at Women of the Way Ministries