In the beginning, God was super busy creating the world. He created the earth, the sun, moon, and stars. Then, he moved on to the plants, trees, water, sea and land creatures. And bugs. In my opinion, he could have left bugs off the list, but His plan is perfect and I have a bug man. Then God made man to rule over all the earth.
But God wasn’t finished with His masterpiece. He added His glorious finishing touch. Woman.
So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib He had taken out of the man, and He brought her to the man.” ~Genesis 2:21 NIV
If you read the above Scripture closely, you’ll see Adam was asleep when God made you and wasn’t part of the design plan. Isn’t it ironic that God didn’t need anyone else’s help to form woman with His own hands, yet we allow our family, friends, peer pressure, and culture to shape who we are?
Let that sink in, Sister!
During my prison workshops, I ask women what is more confining, the barbed-wire fence surrounding them or the opinions others have of them? Even in maximum security prisons, these incarcerated women say other’s attitudes toward them is what imprisons them most. WOW!
We are all imprisoned by an unhealthy desire for acceptance and validation. It changes who we are in relationships, our job, our entire world. Our concerns about other’s opinions of us shuts down our creativity. We have all known a 6-year old who loves to draw, paint and create. Research tells us the young, budding artist typically puts away their supplies around the age of 10 or 11…right about the time they become aware of their peer’s opinion of them. They stop drawing. They stop painting. They stop creating. They no longer build props and stage plays in the backyard because it’s childish.
What were you like as a little girl? What did you love to do? Did you sing? Write poetry? Or play the piano? What about that talent show, writing or art competition you entered and the ribbon you brought home? Are you still doing those things? If not, why not?
Consider the decisions you’ve made over the years and why. What motivates you? What makes you angry or sad? What makes your heart sing? Have you formed your own opinions on parenting, finances, marriage, and politics or have you accepted what you’ve been told is the truth? When was the last time you let yourself dream about the future? Take some time to answer these questions and others, and you may be surprised how much you will learn about yourself.
Being creative requires us to be vulnerable and take emotional risks. Valuing the opinions of others over our God-given gifts and talents will hold us back from the destiny He desires for us. At its root, authentic living requires self-knowledge, self-awareness and a willingness to be uncomfortable now and then. When we finally ignore that nasty inner voice telling us we aren’t talented enough to fill in the blank….our lives begin to change!
Romans 11:29 tells us God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. You have gifts. He has assigned you a heavenly task. Do you feel a tug on your heart? Is there something you feel you would like to do but that others would think is foolish?
Maybe, just maybe, it is time for us rediscover the creative child we walked away from many years ago.
Excerpt from Living Life From The Inside Out: Beyond Beauty, Labels, & Limitations