I absolutely hate chopping onions! I cry like a baby every single time. I have one of those onion chopper thingys, but it only chops in chunks, which is great until you need minced or sliced onions. Sheesh.
I’ve considered buying those onion goggles, but holy geez’ those things are pricey. I’ve tried the trick my friend suggested – put the onion in the freezer for a 15 minutes before chopping to eliminate the tears. Didn’t work. I’ve also read that if you first cut the onion end to end, you won’t cry as much. Hogwash.
My Google search suggested cutting the onion while it’s in water. WHAT?? Another said to breathe through your mouth while sticking your tongue out – it does something to the olfactory nerves. Well, my Old Factory Nerves clearly do not like to be messed with, cuz’ that didn’t work either.
So I decided that since I am destined to be an onion chopping crybaby for time and eternity, I’m going to put those tears to good use.
Case in point…
I was preparing an appetizer for a dinner party that required thinly sliced red onions – the worst offenders in my book. The minute I cut into that onion, the waterworks began and tears were streaming down my face.
I thought of all the people I know who needed prayer and how I might dedicate my tears to them. I thought of a special person who has really struggled throughout the holidays and as I tasted those salty tears, I prayed that my Lord and Savior would wrap her in the peace and comfort of His love.
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Psalm 126:5
When I finished cutting that onion, it felt good knowing I hadn’t wasted those tears but poured them out with compassion for someone I care deeply about.
Kind of makes me eager to make a giant pot of French Onion Soup.
Linking up with Lori Harris today and her first ever Live Small, Love Big linky! <–Click here to read more and join up!