About a year ago, I had this crazy notion to write a BLOG. I thought it might be fun. And I figured writing would make me stretch me a little…OK, a lot. My word for 2014 was “connection”, so the BLOG writing thing seemed to fit.
I threw caution to the wind, sat at this keyboard and posted 40 times over the course of the year. I posted about my first co-ed dance, losing my wedding ring and my nephew’s death. I shared about being stressed and angry and happy and sad. I guess you could say I just unzipped my heart and poured it out. It was cathartic, sometimes funny and at times, emotionally draining.
Just this week I received a year-end recap of my readers and I was shocked! It seems there are a bunch of you. And you live in 46 different countries. Yowsah! Who Knew?
I don’t really pay much attention to all the reporting and various ways I can check on you, but I am so happy you’ve checked in. Though now I know some of you came and left..in a hurry…running away with your hair on fire vowing never to return! Oh well, you can’t please all of the people all of the time!
One funny thing the report offered was how a cable car in San Francisco carries 60 people at a time and how many trips that car would have to make to take all of you to the end of the line. Let’s just say, it would take dozens and dozens and dozens of trips. Again, some of you wanted off at the first stop and that’s OK by me. What is truly humbling is that some of you have chosen to come along on each and every trip, so thanks for being a great traveling partner!
My prayers for you in 2015?
To be happy, healthy and whole. To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limits, to reach, stretch and dream in spite of your fears and obstacles. To embrace life. And live big!
But most of all, I pray that you to connect with your Lord and Savior like never before. To know His deep and abiding love for you. And to put on that armor of righteousness and share the Gospel with everyone you can…even if you have to use words to do it. 😉
Thank you for humoring me. For putting up with countless typos, rotten grammar and lousy sentence structure. No really, thank you!
As I look back on 2014, I am so grateful for this amazing life, for my friends and my family. And I am grateful for you.
My word for 2015 is “courage”. I am praying for the courage to share my faith with anyone who can fog up a mirror! I know that’s what He wants and expects of me. I am not ready. Nor am I able. But I can – and will – do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Happy New Year!!!