“You Christians have in your keeping a document with enough dynamite in it to blow the whole of civilization to bits, to turn society upside down, to bring peace to this war-torn world. But you read it as if it were just good literature, and nothing else.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi
I grew up in a devout Catholic family in the 50’s and 60’s. We were very active in our church. We never missed Mass or Holy Days of Obligation and went to confession and communion weekly. Our Priests were considered good friends and would come to our home for dinner on occasion. My folks were incredibly faithful, tithing weekly and even making sure my brothers and I gave a portion of our weekly allowance to the church when the offering basket was passed down our pew on Sunday mornings.
By all accounts, we were great Catholics and I loved every minute!
We had a huge family Bible that lived in the top shelf of the hall closet. Whenever someone was born, had died or was married, the Bible would come off the shelf, the event was recorded and back on the shelf it went. As a result, I grew up believing the Bible was nothing more than a big black book of moral codes…a list of do’s and don’ts with a heavy dose of hell, fire and damnation.
Years later, through my own study and exploration, I learned the Bible is filled with love, joy and tons of amazing promises. Oh sure, there’s a lot of blood and guts, idol worshipping, prostitution, murder, coveting…heavy on the coveting…and gobs of debauchery, but that’s just part of it.
Words like Promise, Mercy, Grace, Love, Forgiving, Trust, Rest & Salvation are used over of 3,075 times. That is exactly what I wanted and needed! I never dreamed a personal relationship with Jesus Christ was available to me. Father McFadden and Father John were in charge of staying close to God, not me!
When I learned more about Jesus and His love for me, I was completely blown away! Once I knew in my heart that I could count on His love and grace, my life changed. And it changed drastically. So why not share the Good News with others?
My challenge to all – me included – is to dig into the Word this week. And every week. We can only share His Word when we know it. Make a commitment today to learn more and keep learning. And then share your hope in the Lord with others. And keep sharing.
Let’s blow this civilization to bits, turn society upside down and bring peace to the world around us.
“If you think you’re too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a tent with a mosquito!” ~African Proverb
So how about it? Wanna join me?