Christian blogs and web sites are blowing up with harsh commentary about Victoria Osteen‘s recent comments. In late August, she stood next to her husband Joel and in front of thousands said,
“When we obey God, we’re not doing it for God…we’re doing it for ourself. Because God takes pleasure when we’re happy. Do good ’cause God wants you to be happy. When you come to church, when you worship Him, you’re not doing it for God, really. You’re doing it for yourself because that’s what makes God happy.”
Whoa Sister! That is one slippery slope!
To be fair, Mrs. Osteen’s quote only consists of 5 sentences. There’s no way to know what her full message was because unlike all the other sermons, that day’s sermon isn’t listed in the archives of Lakewood Church’s web site. Hmmm.
Sorry Victoria! I wanted to believe your comments were taken out of context, but instead I’ll just pray that your heart is in the right place and address what I know to be true.
The Bible clearly states that we were created to worship, serve and obey our Heavenly Father. I believe he wants us to be happy, but I don’t believe for one nano-second that is the reason He created us.
Just for grins, let’s say God did create us to be happy.
What would that look like?
It would be safe to assume there would be no war, no disease, depression or addictions, no financial or employment crisis. There’d be no crime. Our teenagers would clearly know how gross sexting really is. And the cable guy would always be on time.
We would all live in fabulous houses with manicured lawns, colorful flower beds and a free and clear mortgage. We would marry our soul mate. Childbirth would be a breeze. Our kids would have perfect teeth, be great looking, well-behaved and brilliant.
None of us would have to deal with divorce, infertility, family squabbles at Thanksgiving or disappointments of any kind. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy would all be real.
To make sure I was happy, God would allow me eat a cheeseburger with fries without the fear of hearing my arteries slamming shut. I would be a Size 4. My thighs would be free of cellulite. I would only have one chin. I wouldn’t have to look for my reading glasses a thousand times a day. Every day would be a good hair day and last but not least, I would never have to scrub a toilet or fold a fitted sheet ever again.
No, He didn’t create us to be happy. True happiness comes as a result of placing our trust and unwavering faith in our Lord and Savior.
I know God loves and cares for me. I know when I do mess up and disobey Him, He showers me with unmerited love and grace.
That makes me happy. And relieved. And grateful.
My Father in heaven created me in His own image. He knows every hair on my head. He says when I look to Him, I am radiant. He has a plan for my life that is far greater than anything I could hope for or imagine. He promises that He will never leave me nor forsake me. And best of all, He sent His only Son to die for my sins so that I might live with Him in eternity.
That makes me really, really happy.
How about you?