There are tons of articles on the importance of a healthy range of motion. When someone is paralyzed, has hip replacement or shoulder surgery, their rehab therapy is all about increasing their range of motion for overall balance, comfort and posture. Range of motion allows us to change positions comfortably and is a highly desirable trait regardless of our level of health or injury. But just like most things in life, overdoing it can cause problems.
So it is with Range of Emotion.
For a good part of my life, I had two emotions….Tickled Pink and Royally Ticked Off. Nothing much in between. I was out of balance, uncomfortable and could adopt an angry posture at the drop of a hat. Without a full range of emotions, I couldn’t change positions comfortably. I didn’t know how to do that! And sadly, I was guilty of over reacting on a regular basis.
One day, when I was madder than a wet hen my friend Deborah Jane, someone I dearly love and trust had the courage to ask, “Are you really mad or are your feelings hurt?”
That question stopped me in my tracks.
I’m not sure I’d ever felt hurt. I’d only been mad. My range of emotion was non-existent!
Today when I’m upset, I admit my default response is still anger. But thanks to my loving friend, I eventually pull up and take an aerial view of the situation. More often than not I am hurt, not angry. It’s a better place to be. Anger would lock me down. Being hurt has a smoother way of opening the gates to healing for me.
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:2
I recently read a quote by Florence Scovel Shinn that says, “The game of life is like a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.”
Both Matthew and Florence had it right! It would serve us well when we are upset about something…anything…to check in with ourselves and ask what we are really feeling. Are we angry or hurt?
It has worked for me whenever I’ve remembered to ask. I pray it works for you too.
Love yourself in a big way today. It’s so much easier to love on others tomorrow when we do.