Webster’s Dictionary defines a Judge as a person qualified or appointed to pass critical judgement or administer justice.
That’s worth at least a little giggle since the type of judgement we are most accustomed to is done by those who have no credentials and have not been formally appointed to the task.
No one has ever offered me a black robe and gavel, but I’ve done my fair share of judging others. UGH!
Some judge because they disagree with another’s opinion but in reality, most disagreements happen because neither party has sufficient information for an agreement to occur! Some take a more shallow approach to judging and stick to another person’s outward appearance.
Either way it’s an ugly, senseless sport!
Matthew 7:2 warns us that in the same way we judge others, we will be judged. And isn’t it true that life is a bit like a game of boomerang? Whatever nasty stuff we throw out there in the world is likely to come flying back at us with astounding accuracy…hitting us square between the eyes, or right in the heart.
My brother Patrick shared with me an interesting observation on judging others. He said, even God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should we?
Booyah! Direct Hit!
We are called to be witnesses for Christ, not judges. As believers, we are to spread His love and story of hope and salvation to those who need to hear it.
Let’s make a commitment this week to show someone God’s love and appreciation and leave the judging to the professionals who have been appointed to the task and are schooled in the art of fairly administering justice.
“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.” Mother Theresa
And finally, a shout out to my brother-in-law The Honorable Clyde Black, Houston County Judge…Can I at least hold the gavel? Just once? I promise not to use it against anyone!