By the quote above, you’ve probably figured out that this isn’t about how nice you are to others. Nope. This is about you. How you treat yourself. How you take care of yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually.
We are guilty of running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Taking care of everything and everyone else. We not only put ourselves on the back burner, we are guilty of staying there so long that we are burnt to a crisp and charred beyond recognition!
We are hard-wired caregivers. That won’t change. But what can change is allowing yourself to be on the list of those you care for.
Be kind. Be gentle. Love yourself. Give yourself some breathing room now and then. It’s good for you. And it’s good for all those you care for. You can’t pour out love and kindness when your tank is empty.
Here’s a little test you can take to see how you’re doing in the self compassion department. It’s quick. It’s revealing. Hopefully, it’s thought-provoking.
Be Blessed!